Who i am
I'm Basile, I gratuated in marketing and advertising from IHECS one year ago. I now work for the Belgian telecommunication company Proximus as a UX design consultant. I'm interested in lots of things but my most useful interests are advertising, human centered design, system analysis, psychology and digital development
At first, i am a strategy focused ad person. I specialise in user experience and human-centered digital design. I believe that user experience isn't restricted to the digital and from my (short) experience in the field this the mistake most people do. I try to understand systems as they are and how they are interacting with the end-user but also everyone in the middle.
About this website
This is basically a way for me to challenge myself. The task i set for this was to create a website from scratch that could visualize data with scripts written in front-end JS and PHP (here it is the PHP version as it offers better performance). This is far from perfect and some aspects of the website were left out (only basic mobile support, metadata, file optimization, legacy browsers, etc.) but it was a challenging and fun experience. I also decided that, as i didn't have much time, i would also take notes on radom things i do and monitor the time spent on projects such as this one or at work. This data was then translated in the graphs below. I you wish to contact me please do ( or by phone : +32 483 64.63.65)